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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  March 20, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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a closer shave in a single stroke for less irritation, even on sensitive skin. ♪ ♪ gillette mach3 sensitive. gillette. the best a man can get.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: welcome to "the young turks." we are coming to you from san francisco today and we have the president in israel. is it bb or bea arthur. ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ travel down the road ♪ and back again ♪ your heart is true ♪ >> michael: then there is a hunger strike at guantanamo. no one wants a guantanamo meal it turns out. >> attorneys say that if this strike enters it's 45th day that participates can experience hearing loss and potential blindness.
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>> michael: and now the marijuana and the pot pros take over in washington state. or washington-altered state. >> what is happening in colorado and washington is truly unprecedented. no country in the world has removed prohibition on commercial production distribution of medical marijuana. >> michael: and one of those marijuana mavens will be joining us on the show tonight. but for tonight, it's gitmo time. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> michael: before we go to gitmo we follow the president. the president is in israel for the first foreign visit in his second term. a visit he has been seemingly avoided. republicans criticized him that he never made it to israel in
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his first team. he seemed to de-prioritize it, but not the case today. here is obama with someone who he had a prickly if not distant relationship with. >> obama: i did enough the prime minister that they're very good looking young men who clearly got their good looks from their more. >> i could say the same thing of you're daughters. >> michael: when in doubt go to the children and that's what they did to break the ice. you'll remember netanyahu sported romney in the 2012 election. they were very good friends and his support was overt and vocal. let's go to netanyahu. he brought up things--first at the press conference, and here are some of the things he talked about. >> israel remains fully committed to peace and to the solution of two states for two peoples. we extend our hands in peace and in friendship to the palestinian
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people. i hope that your visit along with the visit of secretary of state kerry will help us turn a page in our relations with the palestinians. >> michael: tom president obama will be going to palestine to meet with palestinian president mahmoud abbas. here is more on at that same press conference. >> obama: i'm pleased to announce that we'll take steps to ensure there is no interruption in funding for iron dome. as as a result of decisions that i made last year israel will receive approximately $250 million this fiscal year and we will continue to work with congress on future funding of iron dome. >> michael: the president talking about iron dome there you know, lindsey graham center from south carolina talked yesterday about bad attack in syriac whether it's a chemical attack, and here is what lindsey graham had to say in the choice
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to send troops to secure the weapons site versus allowing chemical weapons to get in the hands of the some of the most violent people in the world i vote to cut this off before it becomes a problem. lindsey graham from here weighing in on what the president is discussing over there, trying to get them to talk about syria. joining me now a favorite of "the young turks"," eleanor clift joining us from washington daily beast and expert in anything politics. eleanor, thank you for coming on the show. >> sure, hi, michael. >> michael: tell me the timing of this trip. there is no mission. there is no peace plan. there is no initiative. he's just going over to israel. >> well, it's a book end to the speech that he made in cairo which was in the spring of his first year in office. so this is spring, today is the first day of spring, of his
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first year of his second term. so i think if you look at it that way it makes sense. he really does need to work on the attitudes held in israel. i think the president is as popular throughout much of the world. but in israel his poll ratings are low and he's deliberating passing up the can knesset which is the traditional place to speak. and he's bringing in a lot of people from all around israel, and i think he really wants to affect public opinion. he thinks if there is going to be a peace process going forward he has to bubble up the masses from the u.s. and going from the top down. i think he has a rationale for going there. >> michael: i feel like they're putting on a show for iran here. i think there is something to this trip that if netanyahu and obama speaking in israel, but
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also speaking to iran. do you think there is any merit to that? >> well, yeah, i mean, in iran i'm sure they read some of the headlines and everything that has been written about the president and netanyahu how they don't get along how netanyahu would have preferred romney to win. this is to show that there is no daylight between the two countries. i think each president was in full pander mode. i thought netanyahu was quite gracious to the president, saying they've met 10 or 11 times. he appreciates the time the u.s. president is putting into this, and the banter not only at the press conference, but the reports from the reporters following them and apparently netanyahu has been lamenting about all the political problems he's facing putting this new coalition together and the president saying, well, tell me about it. i have problems with our
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congress and netanyahu said we have more moving parts around here. and they're talking about the system they have to operate in. >> michael: it's a far cry from when the president didn't even want his president taken with netanyahu when he visited washington. so that's progress. let's hear the president talking about iran in israel. >> obama: we do not have a policy of containment when it comes to a nuclear iran. our policy is to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. united states will continue to consult closely with israel on next steps and i will repeat, all options are on the table. we will do what is necessary to prevent iran from getting the world's worst weapons. >> michael: eleanor, who is he speaking to, and do you think this is just posturing? >> no. he has said those identical words before. this is the first time he's saying itsaying it on israeli soil. yes, he is sending a message to iran. he means it this time.
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he really means it. i think he is conveying that. >> michael: yeah, well, we wanted him to mean things many times before, and i agree. i heard him today, and i thought he meant it. he was asked about syria, and why the america has not been involved more in syria. >> obama: as is always the case when it comes to issues of war and peace the facts before you are important. it is incorrect for you to say we have done nothing. we have helped to mobilize the isolation of the assad regime internationally. we have supported and recognized the opposition. we have provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support for humanitarian aid. >> michael: and so you know, this is really the first time we've heard the president speaking directly about syria in such a way. what message is this sending eleanor? >> well, he took umbridge that the u.s. has done nothing and is
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forcefully listing everything that the u.s. has done. but in the context of what's going on over there it's the equivalent of nothing. i think he's been on the verge of doing something more. we've learned that hillary clinton and leon panetta both were pushing for more direct aid for opposition months ago. he has been resisting. it's a mess. how this plays out we may some day thank the president for not getting the u.s. involved, or we could look back and say he missed the opportunity. the possibility that someone has used chemical weapons has taken this to a far more dangerous level. >> michael: yes, it's the pressure of everything presidential decision when it relates to issues like these. a little silliness accompanies the trip to the israeli embassy. a video commemorating this visit, and take a look at this
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ridiculousness. >> welcome president obama to israel. we express our appreciation for what he has done for us. >> the bonds between the united states and israel are unbreakable ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ travel down the road ♪ and back again ♪ your heart is true ♪ you're pal ♪ thank you for being ♪ a friend ♪ >> michael: eleanor, this goes back to my thinking that this entire trip is about just showing netanyahu and obama can be friends. >> i think that's very important to establish some kind of trust. then when he goes and meets with the palestinians, he has the same goal. if he can't get these two parties to trust him as an honest broker, it dooms peace making going forward. this is an important elementary to showelement toshow that they can be buddies.
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the other story the one presidential story that someone took the limo was put out of service because of fuel? i can't believe that was put in the headlines. you have all these reporters over there hungry for news, and it's all pretty much candid scripted and they write about december sal fuel. and betty white mansion to stale relevant all the time. thank you for joining us on the "the young turks"on the "theyoung turks." >> lawyers for the gitmo prisoners say they began their hunger strike on february 6th to protest the alleged confiscation of their personal items. [ ♪ music ♪ ] (vo) the answer in a moment. brought to you by expedia. expedia helps 30 million travellers a month find what
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they are looking for one traveller at a time.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> michael: welcome back to "the young turks." a hunger strike at get get prison has entered it's 43 day with 100 prisoners taking part of it, and 16 prisoners at camp 6 there at guantanamo. of those prisoners 166 more than half will never be charged with anything. they're there but they will never be charged. they've been cleared, and they're still there. you remember guantanamo, it is the prison that candidate obama said he was going to close when he was running for president in in 2008. i just wanted to remind you what we're talking about. here is a report from aljazeera english on. [ gunfire ] onguantanamo and the hunger strike. >> they're on hunger strike as a result of the deteriorating conditions at the camp. they say the protest has entered
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it's fourth week. some men are coughing up blood and losing consciousness. others deny the reports. >> michael: when you hear that reporter reminding you of bobby sands in northern ireland if you remember that, what is going on in this prison in these conditions is inexcusable. look at these numbers the guantanamo communications director has admitted so far. the hunger strike timeline began on february 6th. it was six detainees. up to 14, up to 21, and now 25 detainees as of march 20th. a lot of people are saying that's not a fairway to represent these numbers. what happens is as soon as someone is force fed, made to drink water they start the clock again. they think there are people who have been halving this hunger strike much longer than that. to expand upon this story with us we enjoy colonel morris
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davis, a former prosecutor of. guantanamo in '05 to '07. and david remes habeas attorney who represents several yemeni detainees at guantanamo. what should we be doing to get ourselves involved in this case. >> we should have closed it when it was promised we would do it. those responsible for guantanamo said that the reason for the hunger strike is that the inmates are disappointed that president obama didn't keep his word. they bought into it like many of us did. >> michael: david, you were at guantanamo recently. what did you see there?
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>> well, at guantanamo i'm told there are more like 120 to 125 detainees, but the exact number doesn't matter. i met with client from camp six where the hunger strike is concentrated. all were on hunger strikes. the other clients were too weak to see me. they had lost considerable amount of weight. it was clear to the eye. they were child wearing three layers of clothes to keep warm in a regular room temperature room. these men are serious hunger strikers. the spark the immediate spark was the authorities attempt to begin searching qur'ans been after seven years. they're not charged for anything, and there is no end in sight. that's what the hunger strike is really protesting. >> michael: people who are protesting the hunger strike are attorneys like yourself, sent a
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letter to chuck hagel. here is the report on that letter. >> attorneys say if this strike enters it's 45th day participants can experience hearing loss and potential blindness. lawyers for the gitmo prisoners have sent a letter to u.s. defense center chuck hagel urging him to help end the mass hunger strike at gitmo. >> michael: colonel davis do you think these prisoners should continue to be held there at gitmo? >> no, i mean, for a variety of reasons. we're spending 25 times per year to keep them there than in federal prison. the majority of people have been cleared to transfer out of gitmo that we don't want to keep and it's a blight on our reputation. other countries around the world when we try to condemn them for some of their practices they say what about guantanamo. there is no interest in keeping the place open. >> michael: why is it still
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going? i'll ask you again, colonel davis, what happens? how does this continue to happen? >> we need leadership out of president obama. he said the right thing back in '09 when he signed the order saying that guantanamo was a blight on our reputation and it had to be closed. but then he lacked the leadership to follow through on his promise, a and we're here four years later. as david said, you have pennsylvania who have been there for 11 years. you've been cleared for release or transfer. you face no charge. the u.s. said they don't want to keep you but you're still locked up behind bars. hunger strike something just about all there is to do to call attention to your plight. >> michael: david, i want to have you, commercial flights have been banned, stopped going into guantanamo. what kind of an affect is this having? you know, you see it's an isolated prison but they're isolating it even more. is the american government just
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dropping the ball on this thing like nothing else right now? >> i wouldn't say that they're dropping the ball. i would rather say that they're circling the wagons. this move of canceling private carriers that go to guantanamo now will severely cut access to the base by habeas lawyers and activists, those working for civil rights. they want to choke information out of guantanamo because it's all bad. >> michael: it seems also, colonel davis, not only is the information bad but this is not been prioritized. i'm wondering, colonel davis how does this become a priority for the president and the administration? it seems that it's a forgotten thing. is this hunger strike going to work? >> i doubt that it will. there have been hunger strikers before. there have been suicide that didn't get a lot of attention.
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if you look at the drone program. today the president or the white house is rumored to get the ca out of the drone business because the public is in such an uproar. so it's going to take the public standing up and saying, look, this is not in our interest to waste this money on guantanamo, and we need to close it down. >> michael: colonel morris davis, colonel david remes. thank you for sharing your expertise and insights with us. when we come back, we've been talking about guantanamo for 11, 12 years now we still can't seem to talk about guns. we can't seem to put them down. >> you've seen video shot through body-mounted cameras. on the floor arson pistol, automatic rifle, gun clips. you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything.
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>> michael: welcome back to the "the young turks." we'll continue talking about guns in america. and the state of colorado did what america has been unable to do. here are some of the limits they've put on. limit to magazines to 15 rounds. eight shotgun shells expand background checks the background check fee, and the laws will go into affect on july 1st. it happened in the state of colorado where today they woke up the department of corrections was asass fated. he's friend of governor john hickenlooper. john hickenlooper said he signed
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this ban on high capacity weapons because it's a sticking point on the gun control debate. >> i think this ban on high capacity magazines is of that same ilk. it allows us to con tim contemplate someone who is bent on destruction just the seconds that it allows others to escape. >> michael: coloradoans were able to do what the united states senate was unable to do. dianne feinstein's ban did not pass on the floor vote because harry reid decided they were not going it to put it in their gun bill that they're going to put on the floor. it's an assaults weapons ban.
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over 200 weapons are still available to americans. but no, this was not good enough. the reason was because reid and other democratic senators were afraid of how it would play. max baucus of montana jon tester of montana. mark begich of ark heidi keitkamp and joe maughan. they're running scared. if they all band together and said you know what we're going to do this, they would be with the american people. it turns out this time they were not with the american people. and then of course "abc news" washington poll post conducted march 7th shows 57% of americans support assault weapons ban. 41% oppose it. 57% of americans support it. why cannot the senate get that through their heads? why can't they sit there and say, you know what, this is what
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the people want. let's vote on it. 57 is the smallest majority for any of these gun laws. we've heard 91%--91% are in favor of universal background checks. mark bagich said, we don't need universal background checks. these people are on the fringes of our society. do we need an assault weapons ban? there is sober information today about the student who planned that massacre at central florida university. take a look at this. >> this morning the heart pounding video. [ screaming ] >> police stumbling across what they say was a failed massacre at the university of central florida. look closely on the floor. his arsenal. the pistol, automatic rifle, gun clips and bombs in the back pack. we're learning how much worse it could have been. he sent himself packages, they
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arrived tuesday morning after he was dead. >> what was in the mail weighting for the deceased were two 22-round magazines. a black hawk tactical shrining and a training dvd. >> michael: but harry reid doesn't think we need an assault weapons ban or that it should be brought to the senate floor. just ridiculous. that report from good morning america. we're turning now to someone who thinks that everyone should have a gun in the finite part of houston, texas welcoming justin dupuis. dedicated to facilitating the arming of law abiding citizens teaching women also how to shoot guns. justin, thank you for coming on the show. >> i appreciate you having me. it's nice to see that you have just as much trouble with your politicians as we do. >> michael: we do. we're frustrated at every turn but this supersedes the politicians. this is an odd
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time i would offer to you to be doing what you're doing. tell us why now in the wake of newtown, in the wake of constant tragedies. i'm not saying get rid of all guns--i am saying get rid of all guns but i'm saying there are a lot of guns we should be getting rid of. and your group is giving guns to people. explain why and does the timing make you a little uncomfortable. >> no, why should we be uncomfortable. our women are very happy to receive their rape kits. we gave out 11 total rape kits to our women. of course our rape kit includes .20 gauge shotguns. they were happy to have them. you saw the women were excited to be part of the gun community. >> michael: you know, there was an honor student who was killed by a gun just in the past few days because he was many mistaken.
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he was mistaken by a homeowner who shot him. that's what is at risk. more people who are not comfortable with guns ordinarily are being given guns by your group. these accidents can happened. statistics show the likelihood of a gun-related death or accident is increased in homes where there is a gun. >> sure, it's terrible that happened. but what if he broke in to take the jewelry. why would--would you take the gun from that homeowner in that instance where the not an honor student mistakenly walking in the wrong house. >> michael: first of all you're talking to a c-student so be careful. the other side of that is i don't think the two are comparable. i don't think so. you cannot risk the lives of so many people just because there is a chance that a c-student may
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break in and steal some jewelry. we have a gun emergency in this country right now, and because of that i think there has to be a little bit of sensitivity about that. what got you into doing this in the first place. what made you decide that you felt this was a good idea. >> when our founder came to me originally there was a man who got broken in to in houston. they completely trashed his house. he wasn't home so it wouldn't have made difference. we felt that we wanted to do something and we both feel strongly on the gun side of things. so we figured we would look into doing a citizen project. so i mean, you're completely surrounded by guns where you are. i'm completely surrounded by them where i am. the difference is there are more people like me who would stop someone from shooting you than here than where you are. >> michael: but that's what i'm
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saying. you're starting in effect a local arms race. you're just saying-- >> yeah. >> michael: giving guns out, i would say that you are. >> why would it be an arms race? >> michael: you're giving guns to people. >> sure, everyone has the same access to the same guns. if they don't want them, then that's their business. for the most part the gun is just sitting on a shelf somewhere and not doing anyone any harm. it would be fantastic if someone had one when someone broke in their heart instead of waiting for cops to show up. >> michael: is this an experiment that has an end date or are you trying to see if it lowers crime or if crime goes up or you're giving guns out until there are no more guns out to give. >> there hard to get them in the first place. >> michael: it isn't. that's what we're trying--justin, we're trying to make it harder and harder. it's not hard enough to get them
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in the first place. it's easy to get them. >> well, relative to norway, yeah, it's easy. but the united states has always had a gun culture. we've always been around guns. kids are raised around them. there are hundreds of millions of guns. you would think the death rate would be much higher than drunk driving, but it's not. >> i think when you're comparing what your death rate is to drunk driving that's a sad state of affairs. we need to lower the possession of guns and we need to make it a frequent thing for people to own guns. i simply disagree with you. i appreciate your right to do it and i hope everyone is safe there and nothing happens to these new gun owners because it's much more dangerous for them now that they own a gun. justin dupuy thank you. we're going to black look at
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blackwater. >> owner of the private security firm blackwater. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. while your carpets may appear clean. it's scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> michael: the private security firm blackwater first rose to prominence from the nusoor square massacre in 2007. let's listen to cnn tell us about that. >> in september of 2007 blackwater says one of its convoys came under fire at a baghdad intersection and that it's operatives were fighting for their lives when they open fired. the iraqis called it unprovoked and premedicated murder. at least 14 civilians lost their lives that day. the youngest, a nine-year-old ali shot in the head in the
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backseat of the car as his father helplessly watched him die. iraqis say private security companies are best known for their aggressive and reckless behavior that they have little with regard for iraqi law or population and single out plaque water being the most notorious. >> michael: last month a three-year-old long federal prosecution of blackwater collapsed. they were only able to get two misdemeanor guilty pleas. the fines were three years probation, a fine of $5,000. they dropped charges again the other three and blackwater's defense in this entire case is not only that they were working with the c.i.a. but that they were, in fact, an extension of the c.i.a. live to this part of their defense. the c.i.a. routinely used black water in missions throughout the world. blackwater also employed c.i.a. officers and agents and provided
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cover to c.i.a. agents and officers operating in covert and clandestine operations. it makes you wonder about companies like blackwater, how they're employed and how they went on their own, went rogue and can fall back on the c.i.a. excuse. former blackwater ceo eric prince elaborated in this e-mail to the daily beast. he said blackwater's work with the c.i.a. began when we provided specialized instructors and facilities that the agency lacked. in the years that followed the company became an virtual extension of the c.i.a. because we were asked time and again to carry out dangerous missions which the agency either could not or would not do in-house. joining me today to talk about this in an expert way because i'm not. we have a former clandestine
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c.i.a. agency lindsay moran. author of the book" blowing my cover: my life as a c.i.a. spy." is this an unique case or is this one of those case where is there are lots of blackwaters out there. i. >> i think this is an unique relationship between black water and the c.i.a. i view this as a love affair that ended badly. the former head of blackwater, the person who started blackwater actually applied to the c.i.a. after september 11th, and he was rejected. he's openly admitted to that. i think he always had a fascination and idealized the agency like a spy wannabe. he was rejected but a guy with a ton of money. just as he said, blackwater was willing to do things that the
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c.i.a. either couldn't do or more importantly wouldn't do. and now again you know, it's a love affair that ended badly. blackwater was thrown under the bus. the c.i.a. is still standing, and he's living in the uae i think, fleeing from various lawsuits. not just stemming from the incident in baghdad square, the killing of iraqi civilians in baghdadaire, but allegations that prince and other blackwater executives hired hits on blackwater employees who cooperated with u.s. authorities investigating the company. >> michael: yes, it's incredible. you know, prince is trying to start another company based on blackwater there in dubai in the uae. to hear you talk about it, it's interesting. he's a fanatic. he wanted to be in the c.i.a. so badly he started his own little c.i.a. which is incredible. of course, the still secret testimony that was unsealed a
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little bit by the daily beast goes on to reveal another numerous facts. the agency, the c.i.a. had their own secure telephone line and facility for handling classified information within blackwater's north carolina headquarters. c.i.a. officers trained there and used the area fully shielded from view inside the rest of the blackwater compound coordinate their operations. what we know now about blackwater, how does that make us feel about what they did? should we be more anger less angry or just keep asking questions? >> i think we both should keep asking questions, also to a certain extent be angry because obviously we were paying for this. we, the american taxpayers were paying for this. i think blackwater is a private security firm did irreparable damage to our image in iraq, and ultimately decreased the security of americans and
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america just because they completely ruined our image destroyed credibility of the united states, and of the c.i.a. the c.i.a. i think has pretty much washed their hands of the company. >> michael: it sounds--i mean they have to have. u.s. attorney thomas walker prosecuted the case. he did say that the company acting for the government did not excuse them their actions against of law. they considered themselves above the law. that's one of the arguments that people have against the c.i.a. in many ways. they operate the way they should not be operating, a criticism that has gone back many years. how do we prevent black blackwaterrers from happening again. is that something that we want to do, and the shell companies as extensions of the c.i.a. is that something that the c.i.a.
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actually needs. >> i think there is a problem that there is a general lack of accountability. eric prince was rejected by the c.i.a. he was a former navy seal. he was ohs offensively very quality filed and someone you would want to recruit. using blackwater and there is a problem with accountability in general at the c.i.a. and then using these kinds of front companies increases the issue of accountability. and they're really answer to go no one. i think that mentality of being above the law they oh probably felt that way. they probably felt that they were an extension of the c.i.a. that was not the case. the c.i.a. was probably using blackwater because they had a lot of money and because they would do things that the c.i.a. officers were not willing to do. >> michael: prince himself said blackwater carried out countless
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life-threatening missions for the c.i.a. and in return the government chose to prosecute my people for doing exactly what was asked of them. in one sense it's outrageous that blackwater did what they did, was where they were, and created themselves in that light. but if the c.i.a. used them, then it seems that that is where the problem is. >> you almost--you almost feel bad for eric prince. he seems to have this kind of astounding naivety to be surprised that the c.i.a. would throw him under the bus and wash their hands of him. he had an inflated view of his importance to the agency and a misunderstanding of what the relationship was. and that's what the c.i.a. does. lindsay moran, i don't think anyone who knows you would run out of questions to ask you. thank you very much. it's all interesting stuff. it's a very interesting story. when we come back we head to washington state and washington
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>> three, two, one. >> ever since i've lived here. i've lived here for 21 years. i've never seen so many people in seattle in one community. >> it's great to get to that point. why should we have to hide it? why should we be criminals for something that goes out of the ground. >> michael: i love the people who show up in those. that was the scene in seattle, washington after measure 502 legalizing marijuana for recreational use passed there in
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the state of utah. here is seattle-based kumo with the report on that. >> how much pot should be grown? what is going to be the average price? how many people should grow it and sell it? >> today we are announcing and introducing members of the team. >> these are just a few of the questions that a panel of experts of a massachusetts company will answer. it won an competitive bid to become our state's first official marijuana consultant and provide recommendations to the state liquor control board the agency in charge of establishing the licensing rooms for the new marijuana law. the first growing operation will begin this summer unless the federal government sues to stop it. >> michael: once the party is over then it's time to figure out how to implement it legislate it and usher this new law. here to talk about it is professor mark clineman the
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author of several books including marijuana legalization, what everyone needs to know. there you see it again. it's "marijuana legalization: what everyone needs to know." what are the concerns now that washington has--now that they have to deal with the real business of legalization and incorporating that into their state. what do they call you in to do? >> reporter: they need to figure out how many growers license how many retailers to license what the testing rules are and packaging labeling luis. how much do consumers get to know about what is in the pot they're smoking. they need to figure out enforcement strategy and what price they're aiming for. so not so high that they're still illegally dealing it with washington. and not so low that it's exporting to other states. it's a long list. we've been brought in. it's not me but a whole team to
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help the board to figure out the advantages and what the disadvantages are and what are the things that they can do. >> michael: tell us about the the black market. washington has it. but oregon next door don't and idaho doesn't. they'll be able to go to washington and bring it out of washington. that seems to be one of the biggest hurdles. >> that's going to happen if it's very cheap in washington. but it's as if there are no pot dealers in idaho and oregon and the borders are not thickcally populated. the real issue is not the people coming to the pot but the pot going to the people. in colorado they allow home growing and a low tax and washington does not allow home growing and a high tax. the big problem may be that their prices are so high that they're illegally in washington
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because it's cheaper. >> michael: you think about pot you would think that they would bring in someone who is for it. but you're opposed to the legislation. you wrote when they would flock to california to stock up. there is no way on earth the federal government would tolerate that and instead we'll see massive federal busts of legal growers and retailers no matter how legal their activity was under state law. no friend of marijuana legalization, is that part of the idea, to bring in people of different beliefs about marijuana? >> well, nobody asked anybody on our team what our beliefs were about marijuana. in the book, which is written by four members of the team. i'm the fourth author on it. the last chapters are what would you do. there are four different essays and there are four different
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conclusions. the california initiative had local taxation option. california marijuana was going to be astoundingly cheap. i don't think that's an issue for washington. nobody asked me if i was for or against the washington issue. i don't vote in washington but it's reasonable to think that that's a better way to go about it than prop 19 in california. >> michael: you have one of the most interesting jobs in america. your book is called "marijuana legalization: what everyone needs to know." we'll be back ever this. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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